"No Other Way"
Bulletin https://faithlife.com/slccfaith/bulletins/106731269
“No Other Way”
Acts 4:5-12
1) When it comes to the ________ to ________, the way to have _______ life, there is only one way. His name is _____.
Acts 4:5-6
2) Caiaphas, _______ son-in-law, was the High Priest from __ A.D. to __ A.D.
Acts 4:7
Acts 4:8
3) Every ____ again ________ has the ____ Spirit ___________ them.
Acts 4:9
4) So the _________ is gathered and ______ and John were _______ and now _______ before them.
Acts 4:10
5) He ______ them it was by the ____ of Jesus of Nazareth. There must be no ________ about any _____ Jesus.
6) Jesus is _____ and now doing ________ by His ________ name.
Acts 4:11
Psalm 118:22
7) True ________ in life and peace for all ________ is _____ only in Jesus.
Acts 4:12
John 14:6
I Timothy 2:5